Inspection Reports

“The children take great ownership of their learning and understand that they are the most significant contributing factor to their own success, embodying the school’s aim to engender confidence and self-esteem, leading to intellectual risk taking and a love of learning.” 

After their visit in November 2021, the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) has judged Ravenscourt Park Preparatory School as ‘excellent’ in both of the key outcomes - the pupils’ academic and other achievements, and the quality of the pupils’ personal development.   

The inspection report acknowledges the strengths of the Learning Culture at RPPS. High expectations, challenge, questioning, dialogue, feedback and growth mindset are embedded in all areas of school life:  

All pupils are challenged and supported to achieve well through excellent teaching, high expectations, and activities that provide for different ability levels (3.8). Pupils are confident in their achievements, citing the continuous feedback, both written and verbal, as a significant factor in creating a constructive dialogue between themselves and teachers, that supports their learning (3.5). Pupils demonstrate an excellent level of self-awareness and understanding of how they might improve their learning and performance, highlighting the importance of seeing learning as a challenge with the necessity to ‘keep on going’ (3.14).

The effectiveness of teaching and learning is highlighted (3.6, 3.8, 3.11, 3.15) and the inspectors note that pupils’ levels of attainment significantly rise as they move through the school (3.5).  

Our school values (co-operation, kindness, creativity, commitment, appreciation, curiosity and community responsibility) are instilled successfully and impact children’s outcomes directly. They recognise that working collaboratively is an important skill, and this is expertly nurtured in many lessons (3.12); throughout the school, pupils’ behaviour is excellent and they demonstrate a strong appreciation of being kind and considerate towards others (3.17); they express their skills, knowledge and understanding in many creative ways (3.6); pupils appreciate the support they receive from the school(3.11); pupils contribute positively… to the local community and wider society (3.19).

To view the full inspection report, click here.

Previous inspection reports:

ISI conducted a Regulatory Compliance Inspection of RPPS on 28th and 29th February 2019. They found the School to be compliant in all eight areas.

To view the Compliance Inspection report, click here.

ISI conducted an Integrated Inspection of RPPS in March 2016 and they judged the school as excellent in all areas.

To view the Integrated Inspection report, click here.



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